Graham Sworn holds the position of Technical Fellow within DuPont Nutrition and Health. He is part of the Discovery Group in Systems, Texturants and Emulsifiers R&D. He has a degree in Food Science from Southbank University, London and was awarded a Ph.D in 1998 by Canfield University for his thesis entitled ‘Novel gellan gum gels: Scientific and technological aspects’. He has more than 30 years of experience in the field of hydrocolloid encompassing a wide range of products including, xanthan, gellan, alginate, guar, cellulose gum, LBG and carrageenan.
The underlying theme of his research has been to apply a scientific approach to the understanding of the production, function and practical application of hydrocolloids in the food industry with a particular focus on hydrocolloids from fermentation. He is the holder of 6 Patents/Patent Applications, and has published 15, peer reviewed scientific papers, 8 book chapters and 13 conference proceedings.