The effect of Polymer Fine Structure on synergistic interactions of Xanthan and different co-synergists.
Whey fractionation by a neutral polysaccharide
Plenary: Analysis and modification of carrageenans using enzymes
Physical modifications of xanthan gum
Contributions of the particulates and soluble materials to tomato viscosity
Peter Anthony Williams
Comparative study on crystallization kinetics and polymorphism in physically engineered
Peter Anthony Williams
Thermogleation of water-soluble chemically derivatised celluloses
Peter Anthony Williams
Properties and applications of a new, novel xanthan gum
Peter Anthony Williams
Thermal and Gelation Behaviour of Selectively Modified Celluloses
Peter Anthony Williams
Modification of soybean protein to improve functionality
Effect of ozonation on physicochemical, thermal and structural properties of wheat starches
Plenary Lecture:Texture design of dysphagia diets using polysaccharides
Peter Anthony Williams
Rheological, textural and sensory characteristics of Asian noodles containing oat meals
Acetylated gluetnins and their functional properties
The electrostatic interaction and complex formation between gum Arabic and bovine serum albumin
Optimization of Aqueous Extraction of Durian Seed Gum
Physical properties of hydrocolloid patches incorporating essential oils of Pinus sylvestris (pine) or Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary)
Antioxidant properties of soya peptides
Rheological and physicochemical properties of chicken skin gelatin
Characterisation and Control of Fluid Gel Properties