Past Papers & Posters

Here are a list of accepted past papers and posters.


Controlling the kinetics of phase separation in milk containing nutritionally significant beta-glucan concentrations


Structure as Related to Rheological, Textural Properties and Waterbinding of ?-Lactoglobulin/Xanthan Gum Electrostatic Gels in Associative Conditions


Pectin-Zein Hydrogel for delivery of Drug and Nutrient.


Hydrocolloid-wax coating of red pepper


Ability of Arabic and Tragacanth gums to stabilize orange oil-in-water beverage emulsions


Evaluating the potential of Nigeria food thickeners as sources of industrial hydrocolloids

Louis Nwokocha


Antioxidant properties of bioactive peptides from egg yolk


Interfacial behaviour of chitosan and crayfish protein isolate mixed films


Optimization for rapid separation of immunostimulatory Chlorella biopolymers


Molecular distribution change during isolation of immunostimulatory Chlorella macromolecules


Molecular factors influencing immunostimulatory activities of Chlorella biopolymer fractions


Antioxidant properties of soya peptides


Effect of Basil seed gum (BSG) on microstructure, rheology and melting properties of processed cheese


Steady shear flow behavior of gum solutions extracted from Ocimum basilicum L. seeds mixed with Locust bean gum and Guar gum


Influence of the addition of k-Carrageenan on the rheological behaviour of Egg Yolk dispersions and gels


Study of Polysaccharide Networks by Stress Relaxation Approach


Influence of the addition of a polysaccharide to protein-based biodegradable polymeric materials processed by a thermomechanical procedure

Antonio Guerrero


Effect of sucrose palmitate on physical and mechanical properties of sago starch-gelatin films


Production of corn fiber gum under conditions that retain its functional components

Madhav Yadav


Controlled release of water soluble vitamins from chitosan films prepared in electric field

Maria Marudova