Professor Katsuyoshi Nishinari, June 2010

Professor Katsuyoshi Nishinari

Professor Katsuyoshi Nishinari is currently working as a specially appointed professor at Glyn O Phillips Hydrocolloids Research Centre, Department of Bioengineering and Food Science, Hubei University of Technology since 2013. Master thesis “Electric Birefringence of Polymer Solutions”, PhD thesis “Vibrational Properties of Viscoelastic Materials”. (Both from The University of Tokyo). Joined National Food Research Institute (Japan). Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Solid State Physics of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse supported by French Government scholarship, and at the Laboratory of Biopolymer Physics of Riken (Physical and Chemical Institute) in Wako. He became a professor at School of Human Life Sciences of Osaka City University.

Visiting professor at many universities such as ESPCI, SJTU, Kyoto Univ., Osaka Univ, Univ of Tokyo, Kyushu Univ, Hokkaido Uni, Hiroshima Univ, Keio Univ etc. An honorary member of JSFST, JSR, JSMSHP, Review Scholar of SPSJ. Elected as a fellow of IUFoST and awarded by CIFST for friendship. Working in food hydrocolloids, rheology and their application to the dysphagia problems. He wishes to activate the communication between food scientists, medical doctors, nurses, nutritionists to improve the quality of life for persons with difficulty in mastication and deglutition to make a stronger network collaboration.