Protein stabilised foams; stability and rheological properties
Protein Functional Properties
Modulating protein interaction on molecular and microstructural level for texture control in protein based gels
Plenary: Design of colloidal foods for healthier diets
32.Structure of Pectin in Citrus Fruits and Functionality
Synergistic effects of alginates and ?-glucans in gastric raft formulations
Sodium caseinate self-association and its influence on solution and emulsion properties at high concentrations
Stabilization of o/w emulsions with okra pectins
Vassilis Kontogiorgos
34.Macromolecules from plant sources as emulsion stabilizers
Vassilis Kontogiorgos
LC-HILIC-MSn analysis of lemon pectin oligomers
Effect of pH and calcium salt on rheological properties of xanthan gum-carboxymethyl cellulose blends
The role of non-adsorbed proteins on foam stabilisation
PLENARY: Functional plant material and healthy foods
The texture of low fat yoghurt predicted from the content of starch, pectin and gelatine
Multilayer formation between lactoferrin and carrageenans at the interface of emulsion and its influence on emulsion stability
Soon-Taek Hong
Masterclass : Hydrocolloids as gelling agents
Characterization of Transglycosidases for Enzymatic Modification of Starch
Fingerprinting sugar beet pectin by LC-MS/ELS detection
Linear viscoelastic properties of short dough enriched with resistant starch
Functionality of polyols as sucrose replacers in Spanish muffins.